Thursday, November 19, 2009

The First Semester is ready to go!

We have an amazing line up of faculty who will be teaching the first semester of the Independent Illustration Diploma! Brian McPhee will be teaching the Traditional Illustrative Media course, Susan Hedley, the Lifedrawing course, John Stuart, the Conceptual Drawing course, Barney Wornoff will be getting all the students up to speed digitally in the Digital Tools course, Debbie Suddick will be teaching the business side of Illustration and I will be teaching the History of Illustration. The schedules are set and we are getting closer to launch!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Program Launched!

After much heralded anticipation, the Illustration Program at Seneca is finally launched. We will start classes in January 2010, with our first graduates expected June 2011! It is a two year diploma, with the expectation that when you start your education in this program you already have a strong foundation in art. When you graduate you will not only be an awesome illustrator, but also be able to manage the business side of freelance work. You will have a website, a developed portfolio, pst and gst numbers (or hst as the case may be!), an arm load of contacts, and some mean accounting skills to help you get launched.

Check out the curriculum and the portfolio requirements on the School of Communication Arts at Seneca College website.

You can apply now at the Ontario College Application website.